For now, I just have the reoccurring characters in Section 9 listed. Maybe I'll add more later.

 | Motoko "Major" Kusanagi
Voiced By Atsuko Tanaka.Motoko is the show's main character. She is definitely an interesting one. She's called "Major" by everyone, although this is not her actual rank, as a Major is not a rank on a police force. She is one who commands the Section 9 team while in the field. A full replacement cyborg, her entire body is artificial except for parts of her brain and spinal cord. Motoko has actually been a full replacement cyborg since she was a child, she didn't choose to become one to be stronger or faster or have more skills (like we assume Batou did.) We don't know the circumstances around the reason she needed a cyborg body, but it obviously still haunts Motoko. We'll probably find out by the end of the show. We don't know much about her before she was with Section 9, but my guess would be it had something to do with the military, due to her nickname.
Motoko is a very serious person, and she is rarely seen relaxing. She is very work oriented and incredibly dedicated. Some see her as being a kind of misandrist but I don't think she is. While it's true she seems to brush off most of the men and maybe treat them like they're lesser than her, she treats pretty much everyone that way... it's just the kind of person she is... Also, we must remember that as the commander to the rest of Section 9, it's not so easy to be non-serious with the others. She's also the only woman on the team, which would contribute to her "cold" behavior.
Motoko is probably my favorite character. While I love them all, there is just something about her that works so well. The way she's closed up, the way she is so confident of her skills, yet so confused about her place in the world. Motoko and her "human condition" is why I love the show so much.
 | BatouVoiced by Akio ÔtsukaBefore Batou was in Section 9, he was a military ranger, who served in South America during the last large war. He is normally the guy who is first string on all combat missions because of his excellent strengths and abilities. Very little of his original body remains, though he still has more than Motoko. His most noticeable cyborg part is his unusual looking eyes, which enhance his vision.
Batou is in many ways a typical "macho" man. Like the fact he's replaced most of his original body in order to be a top of the line super human. Or his thing for mail order exercise equipment and old cars. But there's another side to Batou - although he may tease Togusa or The Major for not being as strong or tough as him, he's a very friendly, very smart, and very loyal man. Where Motoko obviously cares about the philosophical implications of being a cyborg, Batou doesn't, it doesn't concern him in the least. Batou loves to lay back and relax, he likes to be friendly with the other team members, make jokes and have fun. He even treated his Tachikoma like a friend. But Batou is just as serious and dedicated to his job as Motoko is, he's excellent at what he does - average cops don't make it to Section 9.
In most stories, one character stands out as being the favorite and gets all the attention. In Stand alone Complex it's hard for me to pick out a favorite. Batou has some of the best episodes of the series, and he's definitely the most "fun" out of all the characters.
 | TogusaVoiced by Kôichi YamaderaTogusa used to be a regular cop before he came to Section 9. He is a very "normal" person for Section 9, the only cyborg part he has is his cyberbrain communication enhancements, the rest is all original. He is very often used as backup in combat, but he also is good at undercover work due to his normal appearance and life.
Togusa has a wife and an infant son, which is a rarity on a team like Section 9. Togusa uniqueness can make him a little more isolated then the rest of the team which consists mainly of tough guys. He has an affinity for an old revolver, which he is often teased about. Togusa is just a typical man, the closet on the team to the average person in the GitS world. A good policeman, but still a novice in many areas of the type of things Section 9 does. Despite his differences, his friendly personality makes it hard for anyone not to like him, and so he fits well into the team, forging a pretty strong friendship with Batou as the series progresses.
Togusa's likability and everyman image gets him far in my books. His ties to the Laughing Man case make the character a very important one.
| Daisuke AramakiVoiced by Osamu Saka Aramaki is the Department Chief of Section 9. He's got a cyberbrain, but the rest of him is probably not very augmented. A chief, he basically tells Section 9 what to do. A master strategist, Aramaki seems to be three steps ahead of everyone else, and always knows how to handle any situation. He is well liked by his team (despite the fact Batou has been known to compare him to a monkey), because while he can be cranky, he's very supportive, and very fair.
 | IshikawaVoiced by Hiroshi NakanoIshikawa is the teams computer and information expert, he gathers information and helps co-ordinate the team, but rarely leaves his chair. Other than his cyberbrain, his augmentations are probably very low. A very laid back fellow, Ishikawa seems to be one of the few people Motoko doesn't really look down on.
 | SaitoVoiced by Toru OkawaSaito is Section 9's sniper. Saito's left eye is an incredibly complex peice of technology, featuring zoom abilities and even satellite targeting. Aside from his eye, a part of his arm has been augmented so he can hold a weapon perfectly steady. Saito does a lot of support work as well, as his sniping skills can work well in a firefight.
 | BormaVoiced by Taro YamaguchiBorma is usually used in supporting roles, often without another team member. He appears to be heavily cyborged, which is probably why he his given lone support missions. For a background character, Borma has some funny moments in the show. He also, very oddly, bares a resemblance to Bill from King of the Hill.
| PazVoiced by Takashi OnozukaPaz is the character in which the least is known about, and gets the least screen time. On the show he appears to do a lot of investigating work, but has been used as backup as well in situations where there could be potential violence. He's pretty reclusive, hardly ever talking, he's mostly just seen smoking by himself. His cybernetic implants are unknown, they could be high or low.
| Tachikoma Sentient TankVoiced by Sakiko TamagawaAt the start of the series, Section 9 has nine Tachikoma tanks. These are a new technology designed to help Section 9. They're highly complex, and I can't go into everything about them here. They have wires which they can use to climb things like spiders, they have guns on their arms, as well as the option of a chain gun or grenade launcher on their chin. They aren't just vehicles though, or they wouldn't be on the character page. They're made with the most advanced AI, allowing them independant thought and the ability to learn and operate on their own. Unfortunately, this is their downfall, because of their AI wanting to learn, the Tachikomas behave like children... and they don't follow rules all the time. Although they never put anyone in danger or try to harm anyone, it's decided that having them around when they behave like this is probably not a very good idea. Section 9 stopped using them, and the Tachikomas were sent to the lab for further study.
The Tachikomas are very amusing characters, and they have some of the best episodes. They're also a really neat design. Not only do they bring great comic relief to the show, but they also bring some of the more philosophical themes to the show as well.
| OperatorVoiced by ???Most important people and businesses have androids to help them. Section 9 is no exception, in fact, they have dozens of these androids working for them. They are basically used as assistants, though their full duties have never been explained, they have been seen doing everything from helping on missions, to serving tea and coffee! Though they appear totally human, and have some pretty good AI so they act human too. They lack the ability to grow, so in the end they're really just well programmed machines.
| TechniciansVoiced by Various Section 9 has many technicians. Their duties include things like maintaining and repairing the Tachikomas, and other equipment. In the movie, where Section 9 has no Tachikomas, the technicians are used mostly to help maintain the cyborg parts of the team members. I can assume they'd do the same thing in the TV show, after all, someone has to make sure all those parts are running smoothly, and I doubt the government would want someone external doing it.